Weird Universe Archive

January 2011

January 27, 2011

Providence Street Sign


Posted By: Paul - Thu Jan 27, 2011 - Comments (6)
Category: Celebrities, Signage, Outsider Art

January 26, 2011

January 25, 2011

The Skeptic’s Dictionary

I'm certain every reader of this blog could happily spend hours at The Skeptic's Dictionary, whose mission since 1994 has been to explore "Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions."

For instance, why not learn more about the bunyip?

Posted By: Paul - Tue Jan 25, 2011 - Comments (4)
Category: Authorities and Experts, Cryptozoology, Fictional Monsters, Weird Studies and Guides, Weird Theory

January 24, 2011

News of the Weird / Pro Edition (January 24, 2011)

News of the Weird/Pro Edition
You're Still Not Cynical Enough

Prime Cuts of Underreported News from Last Week, Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
January 24, 2011
(datelines January 15-January 22) (links correct as of January 24)

Body Parts Frolicking on Their Own, Plus Police Seek Moron, and The Rising Menaces of Acne and Bedbugs

★ ★ ★ ★!

Give Karen Byrne a Hand, Folks: Nothing's more awesomely scary than her case of Alien Hand Syndrome, an actual malwire problem in which the left and right hemispheres of the brain lose their co-ordination and begin competing with each other. A power struggle among her arms and legs! "I'll Heil Hitler you (with your right hand)!" "Oh, yeah, well, how about I give you some noogies (with your left hand)!" Amazingly, there's now a med that might make it all better. BBC News /// YouTube clip from "Dr. Strangelove"

Least Sensitive Advertiser: The Martin Luther King, Jr., Day special at Thalia Surf Shop in California was "20% Off" on "All Black [surfing] Products," and if that weren't enough disrespect, the illustration was of a Photoshopped wet-suit-clad MLK, himself. OC Register

A Tea Party Opportunity: The most important thing for the Berkeley (Calif.) City Council is not its $252 million unfunded city-worker pension liability or the complaints about infrastructure breakdowns but rather the fact that city workers who need transsexual surgery can't get it from the city's health-insurance carrier. Presto, a municipal entitlement! (And, though it would be too ironic to have a Tea Party movement in the UK, they must be disturbed over there about convicts released from prison, who don't have jobs or housing, and thus immediately qualify for $31,000 a year in welfare [£19,806].) San Francisco Chronicle /// Daily Mail

You'd Be Hostile, Too: Police in Aurora, Colo., were looking around last week for a man, wanted on two felony warrants, and who has a history of violence: 35-year-old Joseph Moron. KMGH-TV (Denver)

States Just Want to Have Fun: In Tennessee, state Medicaid will gladly pay for your bariatric surgery--but not initial-weight-gain counseling by dieticians (wasteful!). In North Carolina, they're still restricting "convicted sex offenders" whose only crime was consensual adult oral sex–which isn't even illegal anymore. In the F State, a gun-fondling legislator introduced a bill to make it illegal for doctors to ask patients if there are guns in the home (if the doctor senses child-abuse or mental-health problems)--penalizable by up to $5 million. The Tennessean (Nashville) /// New York Times [Jan. 11th] /// Orlando Sentinel

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Jan 24, 2011 - Comments (8)

January 23, 2011

Amazing miniature golf shot caught on tape

Let's just say this video involves several amazing things. I am giving a screaming man at the end of the video warning.

Keep those cameras rolling!!

Posted By: gdanea - Sun Jan 23, 2011 - Comments (1)
Category: Games

Snow Blower Upper

A 23 year old Abington, Massachusetts man got in trouble for his ingenuity. He got busted for using black powder to blow up snow drifts. He didn't want to shovel it. Makes sense to me.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 23, 2011 - Comments (2)

Found Footage Festival

Ah, the glorious old days of VHS tapes, when the world was first opened to amateur video! Please visit the website of the Found Footage Festival to see more wonders like the one above.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Jan 23, 2011 - Comments (5)
Category: Museums, Video, Outsider Art, 1980s

Dangerous Love

A New Zealand woman was partially paralysed by a stroke caused by a hickey. The lady went to the hospital with stroke symptoms and after examination a small clot was discovered in an artery directly under the distinctive bruise. Doctors think the suction caused the clot to form and some of it dislodged to cause the stroke. So be careful out there, condoms can't protect you from everything.

picture from yahoo images

Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 23, 2011 - Comments (2)

January 22, 2011

Santa Hates PETA

Posted By: Paul - Sat Jan 22, 2011 - Comments (19)
Category: Animals, Business, Advertising, Products, Holidays, 1980s

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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