Weird Universe Archive

March 2012

March 28, 2012

The Chase

The Chase from Philippe Gamer on Vimeo.

Try to guess the surprise ending.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Mar 28, 2012 - Comments (9)
Category: Destruction, Humor, Videogames and Gamers

Fingernail Surgery To Remove Seborrheic Keratoses

The medical rule I've heard is that you're not supposed to pick at zits or skin growths, because you'll only make them worse — or cause an infection. But apparently this rule doesn't apply to seborrheic keratoses. According to Dr. George Lundberg, Editor in Chief of MedGenMed, go ahead and pick 'em. Or rather, use "fingernail surgery" to remove 'em. That's what he does!

However, Lundberg's advice hasn't met with universal approval from the medical community. Among the resonses to his editorial on MedGenMed is this one:

To the Editor:
I find your piece embarrassing and unworthy of your Internet service.
If you had bothered to do some research, even just reading eMedicine, you would find that curettage, not excision, is the recommended treatment -- a far more sterile version of a fingernail surgery. The curettage procedure is usually nonscarring though rarely some mild hypopigmentation may result.
The use of fingernail surgery is to be condemned as it is a bacterially contaminated area.
Picking at one's own skin with the fingernails is a bad habit and in its extreme form can become obsessive and result in scarring -- a disorder known as neurotic excoriation.
Many elderly gentlemen will pick at solar keratoses on their scalp, leaving it in a persistent state of bleeding and infection; I sincerely hope that you are not headed in this direction.
If your medical colleagues excise your seb warts or cause significant scars, or if you suspect that they choose their therapies on the basis of cost benefit to themselves, I suggest you take the matter up with your State Medical Board rather than indulging in self-injury.
If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the curetted specimen can be sent for pathology.
Philip Bekhor
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Posted By: Alex - Wed Mar 28, 2012 - Comments (9)
Category: Health, Medicine, Surgery, Skin and Skin Conditions

March 27, 2012


The next new thing, caffeine inhalers. Actual metered dose inhalers, just like asthma medicine comes in. Each puff delivers 150mg of caffeine directly to the lungs and into the blood stream. That'll wake you up!

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 27, 2012 - Comments (11)

Follies of the Mad Men #180


[From Playboy magazine for September 1968. Click to enlarge.]

Our clothes make you look like the cliched madman who thinks he's Napoleon.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Mar 27, 2012 - Comments (4)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Fashion, 1960s, Brain Damage

The Drugstore Hypnotist

Ralph Pearson's 15-minutes of fame came in 1951, when he briefly gained some notoriety as the Drugstore Hypnotist. He was a drugstore owner who hypnotized his customers, making them believe they were flying an airplane, or that they were the Statue of Liberty. This was in the days before CVS and Walmart, when people actually hung out and socialized in drugstores.

The Milwaukee Journal, May 18, 1951

Men Kiss Absent Women, Fly Imaginary Airplanes in Drug Store of Hypnotist
Miami, Fla.—(AP)—
A stranger walking into Ralph Pearson's drugstore any night in the week would be amazed at some of the antics there.
What would you think, for instance, if you saw a man flying an imaginary warplane, another at the soda fountain kissing a woman who wasn't there, and a girl posed as the Statue of Liberty.
Regular customers are never surprised, though. They know it's just Pearson practicing his hobby of hypnotism.
Besides having fun, Pearson accomplishes a lot of good by putting people in trances. He has cured several of the smoking habit, for example.
"I'm losing a lot of my cigarette business," he says. "But I don't mind. Most of the smokers I've cured are young people who should not be smoking, anyway."
One schoolgirl told Pearson she hated school.
"I hypnotized her and quietly suggested while she was in a trance that school was a good thing and she should enjoy it," he recalls.
"After I woke her up, I said, 'How's school going lately?'
"'Fine,' she said. 'I can't wait to go in the morning.'"
Pearson cured another schoolgirl of biting her fingernails. Another stopped drinking coffee after one session with him.
Pearson hypnotized one girl, told her she was the Statue of Liberty, and she held the pose for 15 minutes. After he woke her up, she said her arm wasn't even tired.
A young man who was about to lose his job because he overslept every morning now wakes up daily at 7 a.m. on the dot, Pearson claims.
"Too bad I can't hypnotized myself," the druggist added. "I stay up so late hypnotizing people, I'm too tired to get up in the mornings."
The druggist has attracted so much attention with his hypnotism, nobody watches the television set in his store any more.
"We'll either have to sell the store and go into the hypnotism business or stop this stuff," said Mrs. Pearson. "It's getting to be a three ring circus around here."

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 27, 2012 - Comments (2)
Category: Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, 1950s, Brain

Serious shirker

An Austrian man proved he is seriously devoted to remaining unfit to work recently. With a hearing that would likely find him able to return to work looming he decided to ensure his status would not change by cutting off his foot and throwing it into a furnace. He called an ambulance and his life was saved but the foot could not be due to the severity of the burns on it. It seems to me that a mental diagnosis would have been sufficient.

Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 27, 2012 - Comments (5)

March 26, 2012

Norwegian Egg Coffee

After watching this video, I'm curious to try some Norwegian Egg Coffee. The person in the video left this explanation on youtube in response to all the comments:

I made this video. It was meant to be funny, and sort of a parody about a style of coffee making that is relatively unknown outside of Lutheran church basements. The egg seems to attract & bind with the finer sediment and then sinks to the bottom when you add the cold water to stop the boil. I am not the most boring person ever. I'm a transgender woman who was a little nervous about doing such a video because everybody seemed to think she was a gay guy. So now you can insult me correctly.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Mar 26, 2012 - Comments (13)
Category: Food, Coffee and other Legal Stimulants, Eggs

Chuck’s Weekly Cite-Seeing (March 26, 2012)

Chuck's Weekly Cite-Seeing Tour
The Crème de la Crème, Every Monday

Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
March 26, 2012

(datelines from March 16 or later) (links correct as of March 26)

New York City: A horror story from the city's rent-control law: Thomas Lombardi pays $55 a month for what is really a $2,500-a-month apartment. (Even bigger horror story: His 87-year-old neighbor, who also pays way under market, supplements his income with nude modeling. "They tell me I'm so good at it, I have a duty to do it.")

Fargo, N.D.: That Sacred Institution, now joining together two one woman. (Give Nadine Schweigert her due: Many Americans just act like they're in love with themselves.) Fargo Forum

Rio de Janeiro:: The Brazilian welfare safety net sees to it (mostly via a mega-rich plastic surgeon) that low-income women get discount (or free) access to breast augmentation and butt lifts. A nation rejoices! Associated Press via ABC News

Whitby, England: In the U.S., the best we can do is Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann, but the UK has a town councillor who is an alien-abductee with "hundreds" of close encounters and a 9-foot-tall green mother. (Bonus: He, too, plans to seek higher office!) Scarborough Evening News

Trinity, Tex.: Chris Windham, 27, said it was an accident that he snapped cellphone video under the bathroom stall of a 57-year-old man. He was just wiping himself by holding himself up with one hand on the bathroom floor, and that hand happened to have a phone in it. KTRE-TV (Lufkin, Tex.)

Burnsville, Minn.: The full force of the law rained down upon Mitch Faber (jailed, then house arrest, random drug testing) for the crime of . . . not putting proper siding on his house. (He started to, but the economy turned bad, and he told himself, well, I'll just have to pay the fine.) (Burnsville: Fine? He thinks we're just going to fine him! That's so cute!) KSTP-TV (St. Paul)

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Mar 26, 2012 - Comments (7)

March 25, 2012

90-year-old Swiss Amish Yodeler

(via Improbable Research)

Posted By: Alex - Sun Mar 25, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Music

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

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