Weird Universe Archive

April 2012

April 30, 2012

Slimming Down the Old Way

All women have to do to slim down is SHAKE IT!

Or.... is there a more sinister reason for all these machines?

Posted By: Expat47 - Mon Apr 30, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: 1940s, Women

Whitby Goths

A more recent report and video here.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Apr 30, 2012 - Comments (2)
Category: Fashion, Horror, Literature, Subcultures, Europe

Body-Part Enlargers of Dubious Worth

For women: the Bosom Max.

For men: The EgoBooster

Posted By: Alex - Mon Apr 30, 2012 - Comments (7)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Body Modifications, Genitals

Chuck’s Weekly Cite-Seeing (April 30, 2012)

Chuck's Weekly Cite-Seeing Tour
The Crème de la Crème, Every Monday

Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
April 30, 2012
(datelines from April 20 or later) (links correct as of April 30)

Mudgeeraba, Australia: The parents of a 13-yr-old girl sued everyone remotely involved after the little buttercup got hit in the eye by a bad shot during a phys.ed. tennis game. (Bonus: Schools in the area have already banned the ultra-dangerous "doing cartwheels" and "rover, red rover.") Courier-Mail (Brisbane)

Cairo, Egypt: It's maybe true that one of the two Islamist reforms recently proposed for parliamentary action explicitly extended a surviving spouse's conjugal privileges for six months after the other's death, but in defense, the clerics pointed out that it applies to surviving wives, too [ed.: insert joke about rigor mortis] Al-Arabiya

New York: The Morgan Stanley Quantitative and Derivative Strategies group released stats showing that "real" money accounts only for 16 percent of stock market trades. The other 84 percent is robo-traded by algorithm. Washington's Blog

Beavercreek, Ohio: Robert Strank, 39, intending to rob the Huntington Bank, suffered an unknown medical condition as he approached the counter and asked that a teller call 911 for him. Then he decided to present his holdup note, after all. WDTN-TV (Dayton)

Dull, Scotland: A resident on holiday in the town of Boring, Ore. (pop. 12,000), came home with a suggestion that the two villages become sister cities. BBC News

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Apr 30, 2012 - Comments (9)

April 29, 2012

Survey of Idiots


How farsighted our ancestors of 1848 were, to commission such a report! It's about time for another one, I think. It might help us deal with our current political, cultural, economic, interpersonal and environmental messes.

The report is fascinating reading from start to finish, giving a wonderful taxonomy of idiots, such as below.


Read your fill here. And please post your favorite quotes in the Comments.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Apr 29, 2012 - Comments (10)
Category: Government, Nineteenth Century, Brain Damage

April 28, 2012

Hell Hath No Fury

If you are going to dump your dentist girlfriend then you may want to find a different dentist. Or you could end up like this guy. Now the girl he dumped the doc for for doesn't want him with no teeth.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Apr 28, 2012 - Comments (6)

The Astounding She Monster

If you like the trailer above, watch the whole film below!

Watch The Astounding She Monster [1958] in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at

Posted By: Paul - Sat Apr 28, 2012 - Comments (3)
Category: Aliens, Movies, Sexuality, Gender, Women, 1950s, Fictional Monsters

April 27, 2012

Chocomania Toiletries

Now every man or woman can be Karen Finley, chocolate-smearing performance artist, in the privacy of their own home, without all the fuss and muss of melting several Hershey's bars in a pan on the stovetop.

The body butter looks more like coffee with lots of cream. But the exfoliant is choco-nasty.

Buy yours here.



Posted By: Paul - Fri Apr 27, 2012 - Comments (6)
Category: Chocolate

Telling The Bees

George Morley writes in Shakespeare's Greenwood: The Customs of the Country (1900) of the curious tradition of "telling the bees":

I don't have any bees, but I guess I could try "telling the gopher" that lives in my front yard.

Posted By: Alex - Fri Apr 27, 2012 - Comments (12)
Category: Animals, Customs, Superstition

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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