Weird Universe Archive

August 2014

August 28, 2014

Woman Swallowed by Escalator


Original article here.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Aug 28, 2014 - Comments (8)
Category: Death, Technology, 1980s

August 27, 2014

Two Gordon Ramsays

A clipping from an old Australian newspaper (via Weird History — unfortunately no date provided for the clipping, but evidently from the early 20th Century).

There's probably an entire line of foul-mouthed Gordon Ramsays stretching back through history, with the current celebrity one simply the most recent manifestation.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Aug 27, 2014 - Comments (4)
Category: Obscenity

Mipples (Male Nipples)

Who knew these useless appendages cause such concern.

Continue at your own risk....

More in extended >>

Posted By: Expat47 - Wed Aug 27, 2014 - Comments (0)


Posted By: Paul - Wed Aug 27, 2014 - Comments (2)
Category: Anthropomorphism, Military, PSA’s, Diseases

August 26, 2014

Heidelberg Beer Club

I came across this in the Washington Post (Mar 27, 1892). I like the idea that the ability to drink a gallon of beer in one sitting makes you "beer honorable".

Posted By: Alex - Tue Aug 26, 2014 - Comments (6)
Category: Inebriation and Intoxicants, Nineteenth Century

August 25, 2014

Last Week in Weird (August 25, 2014)

Last Week in Weird
datelines 8/15/2014--8/23/2014 (this week, in 1 Part)
[Links, chronological, on Extended page]
Copyright 2014 by Chuck Shepherd. All rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: There’s no coding here. I hate to code. However, Links to each story are on the Extended page, in chronological order. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s failing to exploit the blogging technology. Tough.]

The Money Fact that teaches South Carolina’s fascination with rehabbing domestic-violent relationships (i.e., with few exceptions, men beat down women): (1) Maximum penalty, first offense, 30 days; beating a dog, though, maximum, first offense, 5 yrs. (2) State Sen. Tom Corbin’s solution to domestic violence: “There needs to be a lot more love for Jesus [to] curb a lot of violence.”

Rene Lima-Marin, sentenced in 2000 to 98 yrs in prison in Colorado for crimes that sound worth about 10 yrs’ max, was mistakenly released after 8, lived productively and in plain sight for 6 yrs, then the error was discovered. They dragged him back in, with a new release date of 2104.

“Herbert O,” 54, willingly embraced mega-embarrassment (wife, testifying in court: “I’m sorry, darling, but your penis is too short to hang out of your trousers”) (“willingly” because a woman had accused him of flashing her, and this was his best defense). (The judge says he wants photo evidence.)

Meet Rolf Buchholz, a German with the Guinness Book record for most body piercings. (You can either click the link or take Yr Editor’s word for it that Rolf makes Danny Trejo look like Brad Pitt.) They won’t let him into the United Arab Emirates because of over-piercing--either that or because of his implanted forehead horns. (Bonus: In Hampden, Mass., the vowel-intensive Mr. Caius Veiovis, 33, is preparing for trial with a similar burden, striving for reasonable doubt that he is a vicious triple murderer. Horns!)

The local council in the north London town of Barnet cracked down on a landlord, who after two yrs’ warning, was still offering to rent out an apartment that could only be entered by crawling through a dog-door-type opening (well, almost--28 inches’ clearance). (Bonus: London hipsters still showed interest in the place.)

Chutzpah! So a car with three people hit a man, leaving him bleeding, then drove over him 3x in an effort to dislodge his caught-clothing from the axle, then split, but neighborhood surveillance video capture the driver yelling at the victim, “Look what you did to my car!”

Incorrigible: N’awlins judge Yolanda King is already under indictment for lying on her election papers about where she actually lives, but, reported the Times-Picayune, when she filed papers last week for re-election, she swore to three different addresses on three forms. She was confused, said a member of her entourage.

Even America may not be ready for the new reality TV show Sex Box (but then that’s what everyone said about [fill in any of a couple dozen shows]. Rundown: Couple has sex in a box (on stage, but obscured), then emerge, pre-cigarette, to discuss their feelings with a panel of Simon Cowell wannabes. America still has several months to prepare before it debuts on the We cable channel.

A Human Zoo! The town of Te Kuiti, New Zealand (on the North Island, south of Hamilton), is too small for spending on a new municipal building, apparently. Thus, the waiting room for everyone booked for any crime or any regulatory violation is a large, open-air barred pen--ideal for people-watching.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Aug 25, 2014 - Comments (3)

Rat Meat

The BBC News reports that the rat meat industry is becoming increasingly lucrative in Cambodia because of a fondness for rat meat in neighboring Vietnam where wild, rural rats are considered a healthy delicacy "due to their free-range lifestyle and largely organic diet." The wild rats primarily eat rice stalks, vegetables from farmer's fields, and plant roots.

At the peak of the rat-catching season, in June and July, as much as 2 tons of rat meat is exported from Cambodia to Vietnam daily.

And what does rat meat taste like? Apparently "a bit like pork."

I wonder if it would be possible to make rat bacon?

Posted By: Alex - Mon Aug 25, 2014 - Comments (4)
Category: Food

Mystery Gadget 22


Answer is here.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Aug 25, 2014 - Comments (7)
Category: Technology, 1930s

August 24, 2014

Bite The Hand That Eats You

A chef was killed by a bite from the disembodied head of an Indonesian spitting cobra. He had decapitated it 20 minutes earlier in preparation of a local dish. They say not to bite the hand that feeds you, the hand that eats you is another thing apparently.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Aug 24, 2014 - Comments (3)
Category: Death, Freaks, Oddities, Quirks of Nature, Restaurants, Screwups, Goofs and Screw-ups

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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