Weird Universe Archive

November 2011

November 10, 2011

Veteran’s Day 11/11/11

I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge an American holiday. Today is Veteran's Day, a day when we honor all those Americans, living and dead, who stood and fought for the freedoms we hold dear in this country. Regardless of one's political leanings the sacrifices of these men and women and the spouses they leave behind to tend the home fires should be respected and honored, not just today but everyday. So, if you know any veterans, take a moment today to thank them for their service to this country and for standing in the line of fire for all of us.

For a history of Veteran's Day click here.

Posted By: Alex - Thu Nov 10, 2011 - Comments (7)

Crafting with Cat Hair


Xmas is right around the corner!

Posted By: Paul - Thu Nov 10, 2011 - Comments (3)
Category: Hobbies and DIY, Books, Cats

The Amazing Transparent Man

Is "transparent" somehow different or better than "invisible?"

Watch the whole thing here.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Nov 10, 2011 - Comments (4)
Category: Mad Scientists, Evil Geniuses, Insane Villains, Movies, 1960s

November 9, 2011

A Changed Man

Chris Birch was a man's man, a rugby player with a fiancee. A man who liked going to the pub and keeping track of his favorite teams. That was until one day in 2005 when he tried to do a back flip and failed. Chris broke his neck and then suffered a stroke. When he awoke he found himself to be a different person, a gay person. After his long recovery he totally changed his life. New friends, new hobbies, a new job (hairdresser, who'd a guessed?) and new love interests. He now lives with his boyfriend above the hair salon where he works.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Nov 09, 2011 - Comments (3)

Soul Brothers Scotch


Ah, yes, from that famous African Scotsman, Shaka MacDonald.

"No 'fronts' here, baby. Soul-Bros Scotch is really 'OUR' thing! If you think we're putting you on--get it out of your mind!"

Original ad here. Worth a visit to read the rest of the text.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Nov 09, 2011 - Comments (1)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Racism, Stereotypes and Cliches, 1960s, Alcohol

November 8, 2011

I Don’t Like You Since You Ate My Dog!

Starr the chihuahua, pictured above, met an unfortunate end. The poor pup was captured and carried off by a mother bobcat to feed her cub. Starr's owner attempted to chase the cat when it took her dog but had no luck, or perhaps very good luck if you think about it. The mother cat, her cub and a large male bobcat were captured in live traps and relocated, but sadly, not in time to save Starr. This song came to mind.

Posted By: Alex - Tue Nov 08, 2011 - Comments (3)

The Sand Castle

Drugs were stronger in the 70s.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Nov 08, 2011 - Comments (3)
Category: Anthropomorphism, Stop-motion Animation, 1970s, Fictional Monsters

November 7, 2011

Pox Party

There is a group on Facebook called 'Find a Pox Party in your area'. This group offers chicken pox infected items, lolly pops licked by sick children and q-tips and other items with sick children's saliva on them, for sale. They even advertise paypal capability for payment. Unbelievably, there are parents out there that find this preferable to giving their children vaccines. In fact there are requests for measles infected items floating around too. The act of sending infectious diseases through the mail is illegal, of course, and infecting ones children with illness in this way is most certainly abuse. I believe parents that do this may be an example of Darwin by proxy.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Nov 07, 2011 - Comments (10)

Toilet Gun


The ad copy advises me to "Think of it!" and to contemplate the "powerful chain reaction." I sure am, buster! I'm thinking of what happens when you apply an explosive force to a ceramic bowl filled with excrement and wet paper that won't flush. And why aren't these devices common nowadays, if they were so great?

I think I'll stick with the old plumber's helper, thank you!

Original ad here.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Nov 07, 2011 - Comments (2)
Category: Domestic, Appliances, Hygiene, Excrement, Technology, 1960s

News of the Weird / Pro Edition (November 7, 2011)

News of the Weird/Pro Edition
You're Still Not Cynical Enough

Prime Cuts of Underreported News from Last Week, Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
November 7, 2011
(datelines October 29-November 5) (links correct as of November 7)

An Instant News of the Weird Classic, plus More Things to Worry About

★ ★ ★ ★!

Washington County, Ore., sheriff's Sgt. Dave Thompson: "At some point in your career you say yeah I've seen a lot of bad stuff [but] you see this kind of picture and you realize maybe you haven't seen everything." The "this kind" was a photo series of a 21-year-old woman who wanted to "feel" at "one" with her beloved horse, who had just been humanely put down at age 32. So she and her boyfriend gutted it, and she stripped herself naked and climbed into the innards, sticking out only her head--joyously! There are photos, but you don't want to see them. If you look, and they're OK with you, perhaps it's time for your Risperdal. KOIN-TV (Portland)


America In Decline: An industry group expects Americans to have spent almost $7 billion this year on Halloween--including $310 million on costumes to dress up their pets. [ed.: That sounds high. OK, assume half that. Does that make it not disturbing?] Village Voice ///

If a cop catches you merely viewing child pornography in the F State (no molesting, no manufacturing, no selling--just looking at pictures), it's maybe a bet worth taking to just kill that only witness . . because the hapless Mr. Daniel Vilca just got life in prison with no chance of parole . . for only looking. He had no priors of anything. (Federal sentencing guidelines: five or six years.) (Another F-Stater, the lucky Robert Murray, similarly situated, last week got only 30 years.) New York Times /// St. Petersburg Times

However, for reassurance that Americans aren't getting too feral on punishment, Michael Peppel, who was convicted of defrauding stockholders, suppliers, and employees of his company by at least $18 million, was sentenced in Dayton, Ohio, to seven years seven months seven days in prison. Dayton Daily News [10-24-2011]

More in extended >>

Posted By: Chuck - Mon Nov 07, 2011 - Comments (3)

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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