Weird Universe Archive

October 2023

October 31, 2023

Trick or Treat! It’s the Police!

"Detectives John Simpson and Curtis McFee model their monster and a devil costumes."

Tampa Bay Times - Nov 2, 1985

Posted By: Alex - Tue Oct 31, 2023 - Comments (2)
Category: Police and Other Law Enforcement, 1980s, Halloween

Happy Halloween 2023!

Posted By: Paul - Tue Oct 31, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Holidays, Supernatural, Occult, Paranormal, Candy

October 30, 2023

How to read (and finish) Finnegans Wake

Finnegans Wake is a notoriously difficult book to read. But Gerry Fialka and his book group figured out a way to do it. They read it very slowly. Very, very slowly. They read two pages a month, and then would meet to discuss those pages.

They started doing this in 1995, and a few weeks ago (Oct 2023) they reached the end. So it took them 28 years, but they finished the book. Now they're starting over.

More info: Orange County Register

Related post: The coach with the six insides

Posted By: Alex - Mon Oct 30, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Literature, Books

October 28, 2023

No Posts on Sunday Oct 29

We're shutting the site down temporarily on Sunday so that we can move to a new server that has a more up-to-date OS. Hopefully the move will go without a hitch, and we'll be back up and running on Monday.

Update: Finished the move. Seems like everything is working. Let us know if you notice anything amiss.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Oct 28, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Weird Universe

The Association of Angry Young Women

Nov 1957: Anita Nock announced her intention to form an "Association of Angry Young Women."

Melbourne Age - Nov 26, 1957

Later reports indicated that her association didn't attract a lot of members.

Vancouver Sun - Feb 25, 1958

However, a news report from a few months later suggested that the Association did exist, in some form. The "Monaco incident" referred to involved Lady Docker tearing up a paper flag of Monaco after she learned that her son wasn't invited to attend the wedding of Prince Rainier of Monaco and Grace Kelly. Hearing about this, Prince Rainer had her banned from the entire French Riviera.

London Sunday People - May 11, 1958

Posted By: Alex - Sat Oct 28, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Clubs, Fraternities and Other Self-selecting Organizations, 1950s, Women

Skull Snaps, “I’m Your Pimp”

I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp
I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp

[Verse 1]
Babe, I don't just have to do
You better believe I don't don't don't
'Cause I cheat, scheme and connive now baby
And got everything I want
And oh, don't you talk back to me
You better listen when I speak, yeah
If I wanna curse, slap or hurt you
Just turn the other cheek, because

I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp
I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp

[Verse 2]
My main purpose in life is winning and cheating
You you you, wow
I don't care what race you are
Just as long as I'm beating you you you you you
Let me have all the diamonds and the riches, girl
While I'm alive, yeah
And I guarantee, as soon as you're dead
These things for you will arrive, remember

I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp
I'm your pimp
I wear my hat to the side, and walk with a limp

I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp
I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp, I'm your pimp

Posted By: Paul - Sat Oct 28, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Music, Scary Criminals, 1970s, Sex

October 27, 2023

The Vibrators

A Pittsburgh pop-rock group from the 1970s. Not to be confused with the British punk rock band also known as The Vibrators.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Jan 21, 1976

Posted By: Alex - Fri Oct 27, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Music, Odd Names, 1970s

Recc Queens:  1957-1991

What does RECC stand for? "Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation." Bringing electricity to the sticks.

Read a short history here.

And what would any self-respecting organization be without crowning a queen? The photos here start in 1957 and go to 1991.

Posted By: Paul - Fri Oct 27, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests, Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Hillbillies, Country Bumpkins, Ruralism and Flyover Country, Technology, Twentieth Century

October 26, 2023

Unreasonable suspicion

Does a police officer have the right to search your car if you don't laugh when he asks you if you have any "firearms, drugs, cats, dogs, alligators, and weapons" in your car? The court said no.

United States v. Holloway, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 187752 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 18, 2023):

Officer Smart testified that he regularly asks individuals a question concerning possession of "firearms, drugs, cats, dogs, alligators, and weapons" at vehicle stops because it "helps [him] read people's body language and their demeanor." … He further testified that he was trained by other officers to infer that an individual who does not laugh at such a question is nervous about either firearms or narcotics … and that he typically receives a "laughing response" to that question ….

While courts "do give considerable deference to police officers' determinations of reasonable suspicion, … courts do not owe them blind deference." United States v. Alvin, 701 F. App'x 151, 156 (3d Cir. 2017) (internal quotations omitted). The Court does not find that laughing at a law enforcement officer while being questioned about drugs and weapons would be an appropriate response. Moreover, failing to laugh at a bizarre question while being questioned about drugs and weapons does not create reasonable suspicion to remove an individual from a car after a traffic violation.

via Fourth

Posted By: Alex - Thu Oct 26, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Law, Police and Other Law Enforcement

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.

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