Weird Universe Archive

January 2023

January 16, 2023

Egg Telepathy

Useless Superpower: Mrs. Gertrude Smith of York, Pennsylvania claimed that she was able to project mental images into the minds of hens, causing them to lay eggs with distinctive patterns. For instance, she thought of sunflowers and, sure enough, her hens laid eggs with a sunflower pattern.

Unfortunately it doesn't appear that any pictures were taken of the patterned eggs, even though Mrs. Smith brought some into the offices of the York Gazette and Daily, in order to prove her claim.

York Gazette and Daily - Apr 4, 1940

York Gazette and Daily - May 21, 1940

Related Post: Armpit Reading

Posted By: Alex - Mon Jan 16, 2023 - Comments (2)
Category: Human Marvels, Eggs, 1940s

January 15, 2023

Stange Seasoning

The name isn't as bad as Hurff Canned Goods, but even so, Stange Seasoning doesn't sound very appetizing.

Stange was acquired by McCormick and Co. in 1980.

Food Technology - Sep 1958

Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 15, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Food, Odd Names

The Prima Diner

Dinner ain't over till the fat lady bakes!

Read it here.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Jan 15, 2023 - Comments (0)
Category: Food, Cookbooks, Music, 1980s

January 14, 2023

Mutalk Voice Suppression Microphone

A new product coming soon from Shiftall:

"mutalk" is a soundproof Bluetooth microphone that makes it difficult for others to hear your voice and at the same time, makes it difficult for ambient noise to enter the microphone.

You'd look ridiculous wearing one of these things. And unfortunately the people who need to wear them (those who carry on loud conversations on their phone in crowded, public places) would never do it.

It reminds me of the "Scream Muffler" (patented in 1989).

Posted By: Alex - Sat Jan 14, 2023 - Comments (2)
Category: Technology, Cacophony, Dissonance, White Noise and Other Sonic Assaults


Knock yourself out with an emotional Saturday!

Posted By: Paul - Sat Jan 14, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Emotions, Music, Space-age Bachelor Pad & Exotic, Vinyl Albums and Other Media Recordings, 1950s

January 13, 2023

Crestone End-of-Life Project

The only place in the United States where it's legal to have an open-air cremation is the town of Crestone, Colorado. And specifically at the "outdoor human cremation facility" maintained by the Crestone End-of-Life Project.

However, if you're not from there, they won't cremate you. As explained by US Funerals Online:

Currently, the service is only offered to the local community.  This decision was made out of respect for local residents who did not want their community to over-run with outsiders wanting 'novel' cremations.  The project is also only geared to handle a limited number of ceremonies per year.

Posted By: Alex - Fri Jan 13, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Death

January 12, 2023

Corner-Locked Lands

Oct 2021: Four hunters were charged with criminally trespassing on the Elk Mountain Ranch in Wyoming. The curious thing was that everyone, including the prosecution, agreed that the hunters had never set foot on the ranch. However, the owner of the ranch alleged that the bodies of the hunters had briefly passed through the airspace immediately above his ranch. explains:

What they had done was place an A-frame ladder across an intersection of property boundaries, the location where four parcels of land meet at a point. They climbed up one side of the ladder from public land, and down the other side of the ladder, stepping kitty-corner onto a different parcel of public land. But in doing so, their bodies also crossed through the airspace of the other two parcels meeting at that point, which were private.

The underlying issue was that of corner-locked public lands. Throughout the western states many public and private lands border each other in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the only way to get to some public lands is via the corner. But you can't step over the corner from one public land to another without simultaneously having part of your body pass through airspace that's private property. And many private property owners strongly object to people doing this.

Some 8.3 million acres of public lands are estimated to be "corner-locked" in this way.

A jury eventually found the hunters not guilty of criminal trespass. But the owner of the ranch then filed a civil suit against them, which is still ongoing. He's seeking $9.39 million in damages for their violation of the airspace above his ranch.

More info:

Posted By: Alex - Thu Jan 12, 2023 - Comments (9)
Category: Geography and Maps, Lawsuits

SatanCon 2023

It's happening in Boston. Link to article in BOSTON GLOBE, where a paywall might need to be circumvented.

A feature on last year's event:

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jan 12, 2023 - Comments (1)
Category: Religion, Supernatural, Occult, Paranormal, Conferences, Conventions, Meetings and Symposia

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.

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