
Beulah’s Tomb

Beulah Acklin of St. Petersburg, Florida died on May 15, 1948, 52 years old. Her husband, mailman Roy Acklin, built a mausoleum for her in Greenwood Cemetery. He fitted up the interior of it to look like a living room. On the wall he hung a blue neon sign with her name, "Beulah".

He spent much of his time hanging out at the mausoleum, inviting the public to view it and sign their name in his guestbook, while he recited Beulah's favorite bible verses through a public-speaking system.

In 1983, Beulah's remains were reinterred in Jacksonville.

Pix magazine - Aug 9, 1952

Posted By: Alex - Fri Apr 12, 2024 - Comments (1)
Category: Death, 1940s

Estate Willed by Talkie

Video wills have become quite common, but they weren't back in 1931. So the unnamed testator described below was breaking new ground by creating one (or rather, a filmed will).

I particularly like the detail that he left instructions on where everyone should sit while watching the film, so that he could look at each person directly from the grave.

Wichita Eagle - Jan 10, 1931

Posted By: Alex - Sat Mar 30, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Death, Inheritance and Wills, Law, Movies, 1930s

The Princess Who Was Murdered by a Moth

The story goes that Princess Caravella of Italy was found dead in her bed, shot through the heart. Her husband was accused of her murder, but during the trial a police investigator convinced the jury that the Princess had actually been killed by a moth that singed its wings on a candle in her room, then fell onto a pistol lying on her bedside table, thereby causing the weapon to fire, shooting her through the heart.

I doubt any part of this story is true. After all, I can't find any historical references to a "Princess Caravella" other than the ones about her strange death. But the story was printed repeatedly in newspapers during the first half of the twentieth, always presented as an odd but true tale.

The earliest account of the story I can find dates to 1895, where it was credited to the New York World. I assume a reporter for the New York World made it up.

Chicago Chronicle - Dec 29, 1895

Here's a slightly shorter version of the story from 1937.

Tunkhannock New Age - Feb 18, 1937

I can't find the story in papers after the 1940s, but it did continue to pop up in books about odd trivia and weird deaths. For instance, below is a version that appeared in the 1985 weird-news book Own Goals by Graham Jones. Note that Jones identified Princess Caravella only as an "Italian wife," making the story seem more contemporary.

Posted By: Alex - Thu Mar 14, 2024 - Comments (2)
Category: Death, Insects and Spiders, Nineteenth Century

Thomas Snell’s Millions

Rich people are weird.

Before dipping into this story, some perspective on the value of the estate.

And as final icing on the cake.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Mar 10, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Death, Money, Lawsuits, 1900s, Women

Flutist visited by Bach

We posted recently about Rosemary Brown who claimed she was visited by the ghosts of famous composers such as Liszt and Beethoven who shared new musical works with her.

The flutist Paula Robison reported a similar experience. She was feeling nervous about her upcoming project to record all of Bach's sonatas for flute and harpsichord, when the ghost of Bach appeared beside her as she was frying liver in her kitchen. He appeared to be "very hot and uncomfortable and impatient." He then said, "Just play it. Play it and enjoy it."

The ghosts of composers really seem to be an active bunch.

Atlanta Journal - Nov 25, 1976

Posted By: Alex - Fri Mar 08, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Death, Music

Death in Nutty Putty Cave

Until I saw it posted on the TYWKIWDBI blog a few days ago, I had never heard of John Jones's Nov 2009 death in Nutty Putty Cave. Since then I've learned that it's well known in many corners of the Internet. Still, if it was new to me, it'll probably be new to a lot of WUvies as well. And it certainly qualifies as a weird and disturbing death.

The illustration below (which comes from the video below that) shows the position in which Jones was trapped for 27 hours before his death.

Jones's body remains there to this day because rescuers were unable to get him out. The cave has been sealed shut.

More info: (pdf - scroll to page 15),

Posted By: Alex - Mon Mar 04, 2024 - Comments (3)
Category: Death, 2010s

A Death Foretold

Malkeet Singh predicted that he would die on Sunday, April 8, 1984 at exactly 10am. Then he would be reincarnated as a 1400-year-old faith healer. Dozens of people turned up to witness the event, but nothing happened. So Singh told the crowd to come back after lunch. Still, nothing happened. The next day Singh returned to work at the local Ford factory.

Coventry Evening Telegraph - Apr 9, 1984

Posted By: Alex - Mon Feb 26, 2024 - Comments (1)
Category: Death, Predictions, 1980s

Occupational Hazards of Being a Florist

Posted By: Paul - Sun Feb 25, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Death, Jobs and Occupations, Nature, 1960s

Wormy Chestnut

A rare case of something that is damaged being more valuable than the undamaged item.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Feb 19, 2024 - Comments (0)
Category: Death, Domestic, Freaks, Oddities, Quirks of Nature, Viruses, Germs and Other Sources of Infection, Natural Resources

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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