Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Lottery Tips

"Numbers are very unpredictable....Let's use a little bit of reality..."

Uh, yeah, right, um, just remembered, I left the cat boiling back home--gotta run!

Posted By: Paul - Mon Oct 28, 2013 - Comments (4)
Category: Eccentrics, Money, Outsider Art, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Orson Welles on Gambling

Back in 1978, Orson Welles did an advertising film for Caesars Palace, designed to teach would-be tourists how to gamble. I guess he needed the money. But he nevertheless goes through the rules of baccarat, craps, etc. with his distinctive style.

Posted By: Alex - Fri Sep 13, 2013 - Comments (5)
Category: Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Doc Owens, Con Man

As early as December 1900, the notorious Doc Owens was making headlines, having established his racket of fleecing sea-going sheep.




Three years later, The New York Times did a special feature on Owens and his fellows (with his photo miscaptioned).

Click here for very readable PDF download.



But Owens was to meet poetic justice in 1912, as our final piece reveals.


Posted By: Paul - Fri Feb 15, 2013 - Comments (2)
Category: Crime, Death, Disasters, Frauds, Cons and Scams, Oceans and Maritime Pursuits, 1900s, 1910s, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Chicken Poop Bingo

The rules are that players bet on a 54-number grid. Then they wait for a chicken to poop somewhere on the grid. So it sounds more like Chicken Poop Roulette, than Bingo, since you don't wait to get a bingo. According to the Wall Street Journal, the game was invented in a New Orleans bar during the 1980s. There's also a version that involves cow poop.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Oct 29, 2012 - Comments (8)
Category: Sports, Excrement, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Two Postcards



I just bought these yesterday from my favorite used-book store, Cellar Stories Books, and thought I would share them with you all.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Aug 14, 2012 - Comments (4)
Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Stereotypes and Cliches, Sex Symbols, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance, Postal Services

Long-Term Betting on Your Kids

According to the BBC, it's becoming increasingly popular for parents to place long-term bets with bookmakers on whether their kids will achieve fame and fortune during their lives. For instance, whether their kid will become a famous soccer player or a great golfer:

A particular type of long-time achievement bet - parents having a bet on their children achieving something in their life - has increased tenfold in the past five years, according to Ladbrokes.
"Parents betting on their children's future successes is as popular as betting on the final of the X Factor," says Jessica Bridge, from the firm.'s not all about sporting prowess, he says. Many parents will place bets that their children will pass a particular exam. And then there was the grandmother who thought her granddaughter so beautiful that she wagered she would grace the front cover of a leading fashion magazine.
"People do it for a variety of reasons," says Sharpe. "They are demonstrating that they have real faith in someone - have every confidence in them. They may be using it as an incentive. Or it could just be a bit of fun. Something to talk about, or put on the wall.

If only my parents had placed a bet when I was a child that I would grow up to be a blogger at Weird Universe, they'd be rich! Although the internet didn't exist back then, so it would have been a real longshot bet.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 11, 2012 - Comments (4)
Category: Family, Children, Games, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Follies of the Mad Men #149

winner sperm from roni kleiner on Vimeo.

That's non-USA-style football, natch!

Posted By: Paul - Fri Jul 01, 2011 - Comments (2)
Category: Business, Advertising, Sports, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance, Pregnancy

Crab Fights

How bored do you have to be to stage a crab fight?

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jun 10, 2010 - Comments (7)
Category: Animals, Contests, Races and Other Competitions, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

Follies of the Mad Men #103

Something different for this installment: an old postcard.

Why would any casino want to depict their customer as a drooling cretin?

The verse on the back says:



Posted By: Paul - Wed May 19, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Art, Poetry, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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