
Smelly Washer

Americans hate stinky things, and seek relief from bad odors in the most unlikely products. I've brought Poo-Pourri to your attention, and Alex has reminded us of Odo-Ro-No. And now we have Smelly Washer, which, according to this article, is selling like beer at Oktoberfest.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Sep 23, 2008 - Comments (7)
Category: Business, Products, Domestic, Hygiene, Inventions, Money

The Armhole Odor Test

You may not have heard of Odo-Ro-No, but you've heard of the word it coined -- "B.O." It began using the term in 1919 in its ads for women's deodorant. Women were warned that if they had "B.O." they might never get a man.

Later Odo-Ro-No introduced the wonderfully off-putting concept of the "Armhole Odor Test" in its ads. This was the test:

When you take off your dress, smell the fabric at the armhole. Its stale "armhole odor" will make it clear to you at last why women of taste and refinement insist on a deodorant that checks perspiration and keeps the underarm dry, as well as sweet.

I've never seen Odo-Ro-No in a store, but apparently Walgreens still sells it.

Links: Who invented body odor?


Posted By: Alex - Sun Sep 14, 2008 - Comments (2)
Category: Hygiene, Advertising

Civilizing Pears Soap

During the nineteenth century Pears Soap managed to brand itself as the quintessentially British product. Part of what this meant, of course, was bringing "civilization" to all non-white people. Thus, these rather bizarre ads that appeared in British papers.

This ad refers to an actual event. The British soldiers who invaded Sudan wrote the phrase "PEARS SOAP IS THE BEST" on a rock to mark the point of their furthest advance into the country. The ad fantasizes about how the "Dervishes of the Desert" must have reacted when they stumbled upon this piece of imperial graffiti.

This ad is captioned, "The Birth of Civilization -- A message from the sea." The message presumably is: the British are about to invade your country!

Posted By: Alex - Tue Sep 09, 2008 - Comments (1)
Category: Hygiene, Advertising

Follies of the Mad Men #19

[From Life for December 11 1964.]

Those darn males! We've already seen that they need to be spritzed regularly with Poo-Pourri, and now we find out that they make three times as much mucus as women!

Posted By: Paul - Sun Aug 31, 2008 - Comments (0)
Category: Business, Advertising, Domestic, Hygiene, Body Fluids, Gender, 1960s, Couples

The Birds

A year ago, when I read this article about a local couple whose house was besieged and befouled by vultures, I just shrugged it off.

But now, encountering fresh news about a horde of filthy egrets, I realize that everything Alfred Hitchcock tried to warn us about is coming true!

Posted By: Paul - Sat Aug 23, 2008 - Comments (4)
Category: Animals, Hygiene, Excrement, Movies, War


There are no words for this.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Aug 20, 2008 - Comments (13)
Category: Business, Products, Domestic, Hygiene, Excrement, Inventions, Scatology

Goatee Saver

The Goatee Saver promises you a perfect Goatee, every shave:

Tired of the constant struggle every morning trying to get your goatee to look perfect? GoateeSaver revolutionizes the way you shave and trim your goatee. GoateeSaver can be customized to your face in seconds, with three easy adjustments. Just slide it over your mouth and shave to get the perfect look that women will admire and men will respect.

Plus it can also double as a Hannibal Lecter costume for Halloween.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Aug 10, 2008 - Comments (2)
Category: Hygiene, Inventions

Follies of the Mad Men #7


[From Fortune for December 1936. Two image files, click separately.]

Sniffles = Death.

Not the most subtle or believable of Madison Avenue appeals. Sure, in that pre-antibiotic age, pneumonia was deadly. But I can't imagine that the proportion of cold-sufferers who contracted pneumonia--at least among the affluent audience for Fortune--was any higher then than it is today. In other words, miniscule.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jul 31, 2008 - Comments (8)
Category: Business, Advertising, Insurance, Death, Family, Hygiene, Medicine, Couples


This fellow has many cuspidors.

This museum actually wants them.

Two simple facts. Yet what a wealth of weirdness.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Jul 27, 2008 - Comments (0)
Category: Agriculture, Customs, Eccentrics, Hygiene, Museums, Obsessions, Regionalism

Follies of the Mad Men #4

[From Good Housekeeping for October 1939.]

Here's a great example of Madison Avenue trying to a) make a problem that doesn't exist or is minimal into an overwhelming burden that only their product can alleviate and b) bring the vaunted "miraculous" power of scientists and scientific imagery into the marketing mix.

Did women in 1939--or ever--really ask their friends for a hygienic crotch alert?

Posted By: Paul - Fri Jul 18, 2008 - Comments (5)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Fashion, Hygiene, Science, Gender, Women, 1930s

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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