
Follies of the Mad Men #97

Are UK pitchmen as idiotic and annoying as USA ones? Decide for yourself.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Apr 13, 2010 - Comments (2)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Domestic, Europe

Gay News Today

Was Jesus Gay? Elton John seems to think so. He stated as much in a recent Parade magazine interview. Of course the mere idea struck terror into the hearts of all homophobic Christians and those who choose to interpret the bible as saying "discriminate openly" rather than "love thy fellow man".

And what about those silly gay people who want to serve in the military? Surprisingly, a recent CBS News poll asking about Obama's wish to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, finds that a majority of the public support allowing openly gay men and women to serve. But what's even more surprising is that the same poll doesn't want homosexuals to serve. I suppose the poll was worded badly. Or maybe the people who answered that poll still think gay means 'having or showing a merry, lively mood'. In that case, who wouldn't want a bunch of merry old souls in the military?

More in extended >>

Posted By: Nethie - Fri Feb 19, 2010 - Comments (11)
Category: Body, Contests, Races and Other Competitions, Crime, Domestic, Government, Law, Politics, Religion, Sexuality, Africa, Europe

Follies of the Mad Men #78

Now that the coffee tastes better and hubby will drink it, wifey can add the poison this idiot so richly deserves.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Dec 09, 2009 - Comments (3)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Crime, Domestic, Marriage, Food, 1960s

Follies of the Mad Men #74

[From Good Housekeeping for December 1949.]

"Subliminal" is not the precise word I want here. Not when the coded message is in big red letters.

"Subtextual?" "Off-topic?" "Suggestive?"

In any case, promoting the maxim "husbands beat wives" in a women's magazine was one way of keeping the girls in line, I guess.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Oct 25, 2009 - Comments (4)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Domestic, Marriage, Food, Violence, Husbands, Wives, 1940s

Follies of the Mad Men #74

This little film is simply the most brilliant surrealistic, dadaistic piece of cinema of the second half of the twentieth century. Opening with a full minute of a young woman wandering an autumnal landscape, it evolves into an anti-capitalist treatise featuring a world where decorative refrigerators rule mankind. And it's all done without dialogue. Forget Bunuel and Dali! Westinghouse and the Jam Handy Organization rule!

Considering it was made circa 1968, one has to ask: what were they smoking/dropping, and where can I get some today?

Posted By: Paul - Fri Oct 02, 2009 - Comments (3)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Domestic, Interior Decorating, Drugs, 1960s

The Past is Another Country #3

[From The Saturday Evening Post for December 27 1958.]

Just let your filthy mind from the year 2009 have its evil way with this innocent story.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Jun 22, 2009 - Comments (1)
Category: Domestic, Marriage, Sexuality, 1950s

Coporrón Glass

Would you drink out of this ridiculous glass? Answer after viewing more photos here.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jun 18, 2009 - Comments (5)
Category: Design and Designers, Domestic

Follies of the Mad Men #68


[From Life magazine for September 10 1956. Two scans, top and bottom.]

Yes, yes, this is precisely how we are all living, here in 2009!

Posted By: Paul - Tue Jun 02, 2009 - Comments (3)
Category: Business, Advertising, Domestic, Family, Technology, 1950s, Yesterday’s Tomorrows

Your Daily Loser & Jury Duty for May 12th

Your Daily Loser - During an argument back in October of 2006, Chytoria Graham picked up her infant son and swung him like a baseball bat, hitting her boyfriend, and fracturing the baby's skull (the boy survived). She was sentenced to 10 years in prison. So why is she back in the news? Because Chytoria is appealing her sentence and claims the public defenders who represented her at trial were ineffective. She's also just been released on bail.

Jury Duty - Some people just don't see the line between acceptable and not acceptable. Todd Marcum, of Salem, Oregon, is one of those people. Marcum was arrested for putting an electronic, shocking dog collar on his children. And not because they were misbehaving, but because he thought it was funny. The Story. // The Mugshot.

Posted By: Nethie - Tue May 12, 2009 - Comments (4)
Category: Babies, Crime, Domestic, Family, Your Daily Jury Duty, Your Daily Loser, Goofs and Screw-ups

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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