What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- A lamp shade, quite gaudy
- One rubber band
- Two artificial flowers
- One chain off a bathtub plug
- One shoe lace
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Six pop bottles, three of them broken
- 38 rocks, some as big as baseballs
- Several marbles
- A 30-30 caliber rifle shell
- A china elephant
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- Strap-on sex
- Male pregnancy
- Bananas in art
- Primate remains
- Late blight of potato
- Pinstriping of motor vehicles
- Animal carcasses in art
- Sit-down dancing
- Milking machines
- Compulsive hair pulling
- Infant salvation
- Deviant behavior in rabbinical literature
- Hurricane modification
- Quails as pets
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- Cat Skinner
- Screen Ape
- Stale Bread Man
- Canadian Bacon Stuffer
- Car Whacker
- Side Splitter
- Pulpit Man
- Zooglar
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- A Roman ruler's head
- $13000 worth of radium
- The keys of the hunted mobster Nicolli
- A live mortar round
- Wilma Viner's watch, lost 39 years ago
- Million-year-old dinosaur bones
- "Miss Lily," a stolen iguana
- The earring of the Princess Nina Mdivani
- Umbilical cords and placentas
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Black-rumped Flameback
- Blue-bellied Roller
- Blue Tit
- Buff-breasted Sandpiper
- Chinstrap Penguin
- Eurasian Oystercatcher
- European Shag
- Gray-breasted Jay
- Greenshank
- Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
- Masked Lovebird
- Peach-faced Lovebird
- Red-faced Lovebird
- Redshank
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- A live opossum in a cage
- An 8' tall and 8' wide 800-pound peach
- A wooden duck
- A mossbunker fish
- A lighted ukulele
- A 900-pound brass acorn
- A walleye fish named "Captain Wylie Walleye"
- A wooden cow
- A large Lebanon bologna stick
- A sphoctagon
- A huckleberry
- A wooden cigar held by a lion
- An illuminated pear
- A giant electric moon pie
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- A large, ribboned bunch of dried flowers that looked like the wedding bouquet from The Corpse Bride;
- cast-iron prawns;
- A breathtakingly tiny set of lingerie;
- Vast quantities of scented candles;
- Enough wine and spirits to keep a cellar stocked until the second gold rush;
- top-quality olive oil;
- Dodgy-looking mince pies;
- Slightly used toiletries;
- Dragon figurine sporting reading glasses and a mortarboard.
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- A thank-you note for 'What Would Jesus Do?' thong underwear;
- W-2 forms;
- A feather;
- A photograph of a nude pregnant woman;
- A ticket to Handel's "Messiah";
- A love poem comparing the relationship to free samples in a grocery store;
- Airplane tickets;
- A prescription for Zyrtec;
- A sheet of notebook paper announcing 'I am stealing your watch, you moron';
- A piece of raw bacon.
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What is this a list of? Click on "More" or "Comments" for the answer.
- Petition of the Toy Producers’ Association in Katharina, Erzgebirge
- Criminal Charge against Josef Renelt for the Illegal Withholding of Insurance Fees
- Jubilee Report: Twenty-Five Years of the Workmen’s Accident Insurance Institute
- Measures for Preventing Accidents from Wood-Planing Machines
- Risk Classification and Accident Prevention in Wartime
- A Public Psychiatric Hospital for German-Bohemia
- Help Disabled Veterans! An Urgent Appeal to the Public
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