In grocery stores, fresh produce such as bananas and tomatoes often goes to waste if it's become a "loose single." Shoppers think it's damaged or imperfect.
German researchers have come up with a way to address this problem: make shoppers think the produce is feeling sad because it hasn't been bought.
This is achieved simply by displaying an anthropomorphized picture of sad produce above the singles.
The produce has to be sad. Happy fruits and vegetables don't motivate shoppers.
Also, making produce sad works better than offering a price discount, because shoppers often assume discounted food must be bad.
More info:
Anthropomorphic Sad Expressions Reduce Waste of 'Single' Imperfect Food
Book of Joe
December 11, 2024
Apparently it's "one of Wyoming’s default trivia tidbits" that there are only two escalators in the entire state. I just learned that piece of trivia.
The escalators are both located in the city of Casper inside banks. One is at the main branch of Hilltop National Bank. The other is in the downtown branch of First Interstate Bank.

First Interstate Bank escalator

Hilltop Bank escalator
An article at Cowboy State Daily (source of the above images) delves into some more details about the escalators.
For instance, there used to be a third escalator located in a Cheyenne JCPenney, but it was torn down when JCPenney moved.
Also, the two existing escalators were built in 1958 and 1979. This means that it's now been 45 years since an escalator was installed in Wyoming.
The scarcity of escalators is down to a) a lack of people in the state, and b) a lack of multi-story buildings.
I think Wyoming should make an effort to get rid of the two escalators. Then it could boast of being the only escalator-free state.
December 10, 2024
In a March 24, 1946 article for
This Week magazine (which was included as a Sunday supplement in many newspapers), Charles Rice coined names for various symbols that appeared in comic strips. For example, he said that 'briffits' were the dust clouds left behind when a character is running, and 'plewds' were the drops of sweat emanating from the character.
Cartoonist Mort Walker (of Beetle Bailey fame) later expanded Rice's brief list into an entire
Lexicon of Comicana (1980).
According to wikipedia, these terms now "sometimes appear in dictionaries, and serve as convenient terminology occasionally used by cartoonists and critics."
More info:
The Lexicon of Comicana (Internet Archive)

Indianapolis Star - Mar 24, 1946
Despite the opaque title, from what I can see, the book maintains that certain organic minerals, when deficient, cause many ills, and if you administer homeopathic doses of same, cures will be effected. Not too, too loony. But
reading the symptoms of mineral deficiency is the best part of this volume.
December 9, 2024
No. 12,156,603 recently issued to Lillian A. Foucha of New Jersey. An explanation from the patent:
Bedding, such as blankets, sheets, comforters, quilts, and the like are typically utilized to keep covered, warm, and comfortable. In addition to their natural warming properties, blankets can be utilized to provide a safe, private enclosure to increase user comfort. Individuals may desire to cover up to provide a personal space, or alternatively to keep their head warm under the bedding. However, by covering a user's head with bedding, the individual is unable to view their surroundings while so covered. In order to view a television, for example, the individual must lower the bedding to expose their head, thereby exposing their head to cold air or otherwise violating their enclosed safe space, which may lead to discomfort. In view of the above concerns, it is desirable to provide bedding having viewing lenses therein that can provide a window to the exterior surroundings while allowing the user to remain completely covered up under the bedding.
Jeff Steck (bluesky)
December 8, 2024
For decades newspapers repeated the claim that George Bernard Shaw used the word 'ghoti' as an example of the often bizarre disconnect between the spelling of English words and their pronunciation. He argued that 'ghoti' could be pronounced 'fish'.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - Aug 7, 1955
according to the Language Log blog, there's no evidence that Shaw ever used the Ghoti example. Plus, the Ghoti anecdote was being passed around before Shaw was even born.
Another example: 'Loeyephtheau!' could be pronounced 'Righto!'

Indianapolis Star - Mar 24, 1946