


The Moonbump company claims to be suppliers of props to the film and TV industry. I suspect sexual fetishes are really involved, but I hesitate to inquire more deeply.

Posted By: Paul - Tue May 31, 2016 - Comments (8)
Category: Costumes and Masks, Movies, Pregnancy

Conception Days Indicator


It's the Swiss engineering that sold me!

Original ad here. (Page 55.)

Posted By: Paul - Mon Feb 01, 2016 - Comments (5)
Category: Technology, 1960s, Pregnancy

Dolphin-Assisted Birth

Spiritual healer Dorina Rosin and her partner Maika Suneagle plan to have a "dolphin-assisted" water birth in the ocean, even though experts are warning that this poses many risks. For instance, there's the chance that a great white shark may show up. Also, dolphins in the wild aren't exactly the most docile creatures. They've been known to "toss, beat, and kill other mammals for no apparent reason despite enjoyment."

Nevertheless, Rosin and Suneagle feel these risks are worth it. After all, as long as they don't wind up dead, they believe their ocean-born baby will be able to speak dolphin. More info: CBS Atlanta

Posted By: Alex - Sun Sep 06, 2015 - Comments (4)
Category: Babies, Oceans and Maritime Pursuits, Pregnancy

Available On Craig’s List

Positive pregnancy tests are available on Craig's List for $25. Now why would someone buy one of those? Possibly as a joke, but possibly for nefarious purposes.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Jun 01, 2013 - Comments (5)
Category: Pregnancy

Test Tube Babies

Intrigued by the trailer?

Watch the whole film below!

Posted By: Paul - Sun Oct 28, 2012 - Comments (3)
Category: Family, Babies and Toddlers, Movies, Sexuality, 1940s, Pregnancy

Bump Art

According to the Daily Mail, Bump Art is all the rage. This involves pregnant women painting their baby bumps. The Guardian interviews professional bump artist Julia Francis who says that "around 70% of women choose nature-based ideas such as flowers and leaves, a small percentage go for something 'really bizarre', and she has even done a few planets."

Well, it sure beats placenta art. I guess us men can always join in the fun by painting our food-baby bumps.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Oct 20, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Art, Fashion, Pregnancy, Stomach

My last placenta-related post… I promise

I came across the following placenta anecdote, related by Dr. H. Michener of Wichita, Kansas at the American Association of Progressive Medicine, held in Chicago, September 1917. It seemed worthy of sharing here:

A prosperous farmer who was expecting another heir had a sudden call to go East, and as he was about to take his departure he called his hired man and said to him, "Now, Mike, I am obliged to go away for several weeks and want you to look after everything carefully, and especially my wife, who will likely have another baby before my return; I want you to treat her just as well as you treat the cows when they have their calves." Mike promised to comply with the request.

When the farmer returned home he found his wife and the new-comer in such a remarkably fine condition, he hastened to the barn to thank Mike for his good stewardship; but Mike replied, "I had a 'ell of a time to get the Missus to eat the afterbirth."

Posted By: Alex - Sun Apr 15, 2012 - Comments (2)
Category: Babies, Pregnancy

More Placenta Weirdness

After posting a few days ago about the doctor who was speculating about the benefits of eating placenta, I realized I had merely scratched the surface of placenta weirdness. There's also a growing interest in placenta art — that is, smearing the placenta against a piece of paper and calling it art.

Another option is to transform your placenta into a placenta teddy bear. Your kid is sure to need years of therapy once he gets old enough to realize what he's been cuddling up with at night.

Posted By: Alex - Sat Apr 14, 2012 - Comments (3)
Category: Art, Babies, Pregnancy

Follies of the Mad Men #149

winner sperm from roni kleiner on Vimeo.

That's non-USA-style football, natch!

Posted By: Paul - Fri Jul 01, 2011 - Comments (2)
Category: Business, Advertising, Sports, Gambling, Casinos, Lotteries and Other Games of Chance, Pregnancy

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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